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Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is an inactive strato-volcano in northeast Tanzania, near the border with Kenya. At 5,895m (19,340 feet) above sea level, Kilimanjaro is Africa's highest peak and the world's highest free-standing mountain. Aided by its relatively easy ascent - Kilimanjaro has become a major destination for mountaineers and trekkers from around the world. It's also inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Although positioned 330 km south of the Equator, Mount Kilimanjaro is famous as Africa's snow-capped mountain looming over the plains of the savannah. The snows have been fast disappearing. Kilimanjaro National Park protects the area above 2,700 m (8,850 ft), on the mountain and includes the moorland and highland zones, Shira Plateau, Kibo and Mawenzi peaks. The Park also has six corridors or rights of way through the Kilimanjaro Forest Reserve. The Forest Reserve, which is also a Game Reserve, was established in 1921; the park was established in 1973 and opened in 1977

Trekking & Climbing

It is required to have a licensed guide to climb Kilimanjaro. Park entry and camping/hut fees are over USD100 per day. Most climbers are accompanied with porters. All inclusive trips range from about USD800 to USD5,500. Over and above the amount you pay to the tour operator, it is obligatory on the part of the trekkers to pay tips to the guides, cooks and porters who accompany you on the mountain. though there is no set guidelines as to how much you should pay, it is sufficient if you can pay around 10% of the amount you pay to the tour operators with the guide getting the major share and equal distribution of the remaining amount to the porters. Since the porters are the least paid by the tour operators and the ones who take the maximum load during the trek, your generosity would be of much help to them. But, it is not advisable to give the whole amount to one person and expect him to distribute it among the others. Chances are high that he may pocket the whole amount. It would be wise to give tips directly to individuals. Also, the gear used by the porters is mostly substandard and in fact not at all fit for the trek. It would be generous if you could spare some of your gear if you think you can do it. There are six routes sanctioned for climbing Kilimanjaro and two routes used for descent.

Warning: These ~6 day schedules are common but too fast – there is very high risk (75%!) of altitude sickness, and it is quite likely that you will not be able to summit the mountain on these schedules. In order to safely acclimatize, you should ascend more slowly than indicated.

Wildlife is abundant on and around Mount Kilimanjaro, much of which is unique to the region. Climatic conditions throughout the mountain vary starting from the bushland on the bottom to the Arctic ice region on top. There are tropical rainforests, evergreen forests, moorlands and the alpine desert regions in between. The climb feels like walking from the tropical equator to the North Pole in a matter of days. Although there are not many animals on the mountain itself, you will be able to see wild buffaloes, leopards and even elephants while traversing through the Lemosho Route. Armed rangers accompany climbers on the first day of the trek who are going via the Lemosho Route.

The closest International Airport is Kilimanjaro (JRO IATA). If you are coming from Nairobi, Kenya, you can fly with Kenya Airways, which works with Precision Air. Alternatively, you can schedule shuttle buses, which are daily at 08:00 and 14:00, and it's a 5-6 hr bus ride. If coming from Dar es Salaam, you can fly into JRO or take a 7-8 hr bus ride to Arusha or Moshi.

Due to Mount Kilimajaro's proximity to the equator, this region does not experience the extremes of winter and summer weather, but rather dry and wet seasons. January and February are the warmest months, April and May are the wettest months, June and July are the coolest months, and August and September are the driest months. January, February, and September are considered to be the best months to climb Kilimanjaro in terms of weather.

The journey from the gate to the peak is like travelling from the equator to Antarctica in a matter of days. This is because the routes to the Uruhu peak cross different ecological zones. Throughout the climb, temperatures vary considerably with the altitude and time of day. Mount Kilimanjaro has five major ecological zones, each approximately 1,000 m (3,280 feet) in altitude. Each zone is subject to a corresponding decrease in rainfall, temperature and life as the altitude increases. At the beginning of the climb, at the base of the mountain, the average temperature is around 27-32°C (70°F to 80°F). From there, the temperatures will decrease as you move through Mount Kilimanjaro's ecological zones. At the summit, Uruhu Peak, the night time temperatures can range between -18°C to -26°C (0°F to -15°F). Due to Mount Kilimanjaro's great height, the mountain creates its own weather. It is extremely variable and impossible to predict. Therefore, regardless of when you climb, you should always be prepared for wet days and cold nights.

A yellow fever vaccination certificate. Also take medical evacuation insurance, malaria prophylaxis (consult your doctor), sun protection gear and creams, insect repellent and anti-histamine creams. Tsetse bites are harmless but painful, and often cause swellings that itch for days. Due to altitude mosquitoes or tsetse flies are not that common as at lower altitudes.

Best time to Visit Tanzania

The best wildlife viewing months in Tanzania are during the Dry season from late June to October. The best chance of seeing the wildebeest migration in the Serengeti is during June and July and the time to see the wildebeest calving is late January to February. The southern and western circuit parks are best visited during the Dry season (June to October).

Best Time : June to October ((Little to no rainfall)), June-July and January-February (Serengeti for the wildebeest migration and calving)

High Season : July to March (northern circuit parks; they get crowded), July to October (southern and western circuit parks; they don't really get crowded any time of the year)

Low Season: April and May (northern circuit parks still get quite a few visitors unlike the southern and western circuit parks, where many lodges close down)

Worst Weather: March and April (Peak of Wet season)

Tanzania Safari Packages

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4 Days Tanzania Group Joining Budget Safari

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5 Days Tanzania Budget Campng & lodge Safari

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Bandhavgarh National Park

7 Days Tanzania Budget Safari

This 7 day camping safari allows you to experience the highlights of the Northern Safari Circuit. You will experience breathtaking wildlife in the midst of some of the most diverse landscapes. You will also visit the world famous Serengeti National Park....

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8 Days Tanzania Wildlife Camping and Lodge Safari

The 8 days safari will allow you to witness the best of the wildlife and best of birding experiences as you traverse the northen circuit in your Tanzania Safari. Savour the moments as you spend in some of the best lodges and camps beknown to Tanzania game safari circuit.

Ranthambore National Park

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